Before your blog or website can be visible to people, you need to be hosted. There are lots of web hosting companies out there which offers different types of hosting package. Among these hosting companies, only a few of them offer what they claim to be.

While Many web hosting companies services give out a domain name for free and give you the privileged to register the domain name as part of their service. Domain name registration is taken care of indirectly by good web hosting provider & by offering free domains registration for a year they give users real value for money. Today, we have selected number of Cheap Domain Registration Hosting Companies.
eHost is one of those cheap web hosting companies that have everything you need to succeed online. Not only that but They also have a large number of features that appeal to both professional and beginners. eHost hosting plan goes for $2.75/month. Click HERE to visit
With unlimited storage space, bandwidth, and e-mail accounts, features hosting plans that certainly hold their own against the competition. When you combine a year of free domain registration, unlimited bandwidth, the choice choosing between Windows or Linux server, comprehensive scripting language support, and database tools with the host's highly competitive pricing $0.50, websites and hosting plans begin to look like a good deal.
But before you commit to using this host to meet your needs, be sure to check out some examples at the company’s Sample Gallery ( to make sure this tool is right for you. Click HERE to visit
3. iPage
iPage is among the most popular web hosting companies in the world. iPage's hosting plans are cheap to get started with thanks to a big 80% discount on your first month of use. Which simply means that you can set up a site with iPage for just $1.99, they also offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you're not okay with their service. After the first month, you'll be charged between $6.99 and $12.99 per month to make use of iPage's premium unlimited disk and much more. Click HERE to visit iPage
4. Bluehost
BlueHost hosts majority of premium website/blogs you see today. Bluehost offers a broad range of plans designed to support every user, from first-time bloggers to major enterprises. The three central plans, however, cater to amateur, pro bloggers, and SMBs respectively.
All there plans come with a free domain registration for a year and unlimited data disk. if you already have a domain name register with a different registrar, Bluehost offers domain transfers, and the process is easy and straightforward.
Click HERE to visit BlueHost
JustHost's name might sound strange; You might even be thinking if they are into hosting alone. While, Justhost does more than just web hosting. They have three core packages which include bundles of features, from the real basics to Joomla integration and supported CGI libraries. Justhost hosting plan goes for $2.50/month
Click HERE to visit Justhost
You can host your wordpress site with any of above web hosting companies without any issue. You can also compare other Cheap domain registration hosting Companies with any of the those I listed above and see if they have what you want.

While Many web hosting companies services give out a domain name for free and give you the privileged to register the domain name as part of their service. Domain name registration is taken care of indirectly by good web hosting provider & by offering free domains registration for a year they give users real value for money. Today, we have selected number of Cheap Domain Registration Hosting Companies.
eHost is one of those cheap web hosting companies that have everything you need to succeed online. Not only that but They also have a large number of features that appeal to both professional and beginners. eHost hosting plan goes for $2.75/month. Click HERE to visit
With unlimited storage space, bandwidth, and e-mail accounts, features hosting plans that certainly hold their own against the competition. When you combine a year of free domain registration, unlimited bandwidth, the choice choosing between Windows or Linux server, comprehensive scripting language support, and database tools with the host's highly competitive pricing $0.50, websites and hosting plans begin to look like a good deal.
But before you commit to using this host to meet your needs, be sure to check out some examples at the company’s Sample Gallery ( to make sure this tool is right for you. Click HERE to visit
3. iPage
iPage is among the most popular web hosting companies in the world. iPage's hosting plans are cheap to get started with thanks to a big 80% discount on your first month of use. Which simply means that you can set up a site with iPage for just $1.99, they also offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you're not okay with their service. After the first month, you'll be charged between $6.99 and $12.99 per month to make use of iPage's premium unlimited disk and much more. Click HERE to visit iPage
4. Bluehost
BlueHost hosts majority of premium website/blogs you see today. Bluehost offers a broad range of plans designed to support every user, from first-time bloggers to major enterprises. The three central plans, however, cater to amateur, pro bloggers, and SMBs respectively.
All there plans come with a free domain registration for a year and unlimited data disk. if you already have a domain name register with a different registrar, Bluehost offers domain transfers, and the process is easy and straightforward.
Click HERE to visit BlueHost
JustHost's name might sound strange; You might even be thinking if they are into hosting alone. While, Justhost does more than just web hosting. They have three core packages which include bundles of features, from the real basics to Joomla integration and supported CGI libraries. Justhost hosting plan goes for $2.50/month
Click HERE to visit Justhost
You can host your wordpress site with any of above web hosting companies without any issue. You can also compare other Cheap domain registration hosting Companies with any of the those I listed above and see if they have what you want.
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