Reverse Movie FX PRO
Reverse Movie FX PRO is an app that lets you create a reverse video that looks like a magic trick! First record a video of someone (or you): walking, drinking orange juice, talking or any other idea that comes to your head! After that select a desired movie fragment and press start! The app will reverse your video: you will see people walking backwards, your friend spitting the juice out, people talking backwards!

A few ideas of Video Reverse

Item kinetic attraction (you have to throw an item)
Tear a sheet of paper
Throwing a sheet of papier to the toilet
Drinking a juice (and spitting it out as a result)
Spilling a juice
Money attracting
Reversing options
Add music
Reversed + original
Original + reversed
This App Is So Cool You Have To Try This

Download Here


Olatunji Teslim Da'TageN

Hello there, Welcome to Tech Touchz. As you can see above, my name is 'Olatunji Teslim Da'TageN'. A guy who is very much interested in Blogging and the founder of I'm running 20 years old and living in Nigeria. Here in this blog, I'm sharing some of my real experiences about Hacking News, Security News, Tech News,Tips, Windows and Android. Hope you'll enjoy ploughing here. Join me on my social profile to know more..

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